News 2022

December 22, 2022

Christmas Celebration - Student Level

“Joy To the World the Savior Is Born, Let Earth Receive Her King”.

Christmas brings good tidings every year to each one of us.
This year on 22 nd December 2022 Our School organized a
program to celebrate Christmas. The celebration was held in
the Picardo Hall all the students and faculty members were
very excited and full of enthusiasm for the celebration.
The Program was organized by the members of the student
council. It began with invoking God’s blessing through a
prayer. The significance of the day was creatively presented
by the students through video presentation.
Rev. Fr. Steevan Go...

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November 19, 2022


The annual general body meeting was held on Saturday the 19th of November 2022 at 10.30am in St Joseph’s Indian Primary school auditorium. The heads of the units from Primary school, High school and the PU College along with the PTA vice president accompanied Mrs. Janet Fernandes the Silver Jubilirian of the High School. They were escorted to the venue by Mr. Ashok Patil the AGM committee member.

The program began with the resolution read by Mrs. Sherlin the vice principal of the primary school. A prayerful beginning with the lighting of the lamp followed by the prayer service was conducted. Mr. Anil Fernandes welcomed the dignitaries and all the guest...

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November 14, 2022

Children's Day

Home is the first school, mother is the first teacher and children are God.

Children's Day was meaningfully celebrated in our school on 14-11-2022 with great enthusiasm and excitement.

The teachers prayed for the bright future of the children. The Principal Rev. Fr Cyril Menezes SJ appreciated the children and advised them to do better in all walks of life.

The children were awestruck and rejoiced with exuberance watching the teachers entertaining them with  enchanting dance, musical concert and humorous drama.

Master Sam David, the school pupil leader, wholeheartedly offered his gratitude to the staff members.  


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October 29, 2022


Annual Athletic Meet – 2022-23

The Annual Athletic Meet was held on 29th October, 2022. Being the first Sports meet conducted post pandemic, it added greater enthusiasm and excitement amidst the students. Some of the events were conducted prior to the Sports Day in order to provide the students with the opportunity to participate in many events.

Inauguration Ceremony:

The inaugural ceremony was a grand event with Mr. Roy Nanjappa, an Alumnus from the batch of 1973 as our chief guest. He was a National Hockey player and the CEO of Life Coach company. He was welcomed by a large gathering of Alumni who took part in the Ma...

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October 21, 2022

Celebration of Eid Milad & Diwali by Harmony Club

The Harmony club of ST.  Joseph Indian high school celebrated Eid milad and Diwali festivals on 21st October 2022. The celebration was a shining example of secularism and communal harmony. The program began with the prayer which marked the religious diversity. The dance performance was in accordance with the culture and religious  beliefs of hindus and muslims. Rev. Fr. Cyril Menezes, the Principal, Mrs. Savitha, the Vice  Principal, Mrs. Lubna Salman, the PTA President, Mr. Mahesh and Mr. Raja, the PTA members were present for the programme..


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October 15, 2022


On 15th October 2022 St Joseph’s Indian High School, Bengaluru, Students had the opportunity to participate in a drawing & poster competition to bring awareness of World Mental Health Day


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September 05, 2022

Teachers' Day Celebration

“Teachers can change lives with just the right mix of chalk and challenges”.

Teachers Day was celebrated on 5th September in our school with pomp and grandeur. There was an unusual excitement in the school atmosphere which was quite contagious.

The entire program was well planned and organised by the student council members of SJIHS.

The day began by welcoming the teachers at the school gate with a beautiful handmade quote by the students.

The teachers who were surprised to see the decorated staff room and cabins were escorted to the auditorium by the student council and NCC cadets. The Principal Rev.Fr. Cyril Meneze...

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September 01, 2022

Educational Visit

Today,VIII std students of St.Joseph's Indian high school visited Jawaharlal Nehru Planetarium and gained first hand experience of many displays put up in Science Park.

Students also watched the  planetarium show and gained useful knowledge about Our solar system

 Nearly 200 students and 9 teachers took part in this Planetorium visit program.

As per students experience, it was wonderful, informative and academic  enriching program.

Many students operated the science displays in the science park and learnt scientific techniques behind them.
Thank you


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August 29, 2022

National Sports Day at SJIHS

India celebrates National Sports Day on August 29, the birth anniversary of
hockey hero Major Dhyan Chand. In 2012, the day was declared India’s National
Sports Day. Major Dhyan Chand was a legend in Indian and international
hockey. With victories at the Summer Olympics in 1928, 1932, and 1936, he was
instrumental in helping India complete their first hat-trick of Olympic gold medals.
In 1956 he retired from the army with the rank of major, and in the same
year, the Indian government awarded him the Padma Bhushan, the country’s
third-highest civilian honor. The purpose of the celebration is to hono...

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August 16, 2022

Amritmahotsav Independence Day 2022

This 15th of August, SJII celebrated 75 years of Independence. We
as Josephites paid respect to all the leaders who fought bravely for
our nation's freedom in the past.
St. Joseph’s Indian Institutions celebrated 75 th year of Independence day
with all pomp and gorgeousness in the school’s football ground.
Cmde. C.D. Balaji, alumnus of SJIHS presided over the function as the
chief guest.
The President.Fr. Rector Joesph D’souza presided over the function.
The chief of all the institutions graced the function on the Independence
The program began at 8.20am with the guard of honour ...

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August 05, 2022

Amritmahotsav Independence Day 2022

On the occasion of Amritmahotsav Independence Day 2022, st Joseph’s Indian High School, Bengaluru has organized Patriotic Singing, Essay writing and speech competitions on 5th of August 2022, for students to bring awareness about Patriotism and towards the nation. It was nice to observe that a maximum number of students took part in these competitions..

The winners of the competitions has follows :

Patriotic Singing Winners  

I prize Taha 9 E

II Prize Keshav 9 B

III Prize Shivashankar 10 D


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July 31, 2022


The celebration of the feast for all students was held on 30th July 2022. A special cultural program was organised during which a powerpoint presentation on the life of St Ignatius followed by the final  round of quiz competition. Informations about the life of St Ignatius, life of Jesuits, Twinning programme with Bijapur and about Jesuit scientists were displayed on the walls of the school corridors for 20 days before the competitions. A novena was conducted for nine   days before the feast day.  The feast was celebrated at the students level for which Fr Joseph D'souza, the Rector of our institutions was the chief guest. His insights on the person of St Igna...

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July 23, 2022

Parents Orientation


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July 05, 2022

Mrs. Janet Silver Jubilee Celebration

The programme began with festive fervour. It was really an exotic moment, Instrumental music led Janet mam the jubilarian, principal and vice principal, to the dais, the celebration started on a prayerful note invoking God's blessing on all present for the occasion, especially the jubilarian, The principal and the vice principal Mrs Reshma formally welcomed all the teachers by pinning up favours on them.
A Cultural programme was staged in her honour ,speeches, songs, colorful dances staged by the students captivated the audience,The jublerian, Mrs Janet was felicitated with flowers, bouquets and gifts from the management and students as a token of love and gratitude for her...

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July 02, 2022

Leadership Training Program for the members of the Student Council

St Joseph's Indian High School, Bengaluru, organized a Leadership Training Program for the members of the Student Council on 2nd July 2022,at St Joseph's College, Auditorium Loyola Hall, from 8.45 AM to 2.30 PM.
Rev Fr Arun D'souza SJ, Finance officer of St Joseph’s College, Bengaluru. Rev Fr Maxim Dais SJ, State Advisor of AICUF, Karnataka, Sch. Reuell Paul, Resource Person of the Programme, Rev Fr Cyril Menezes SJ, Principal of SJIHS, were present on the dais. The Programme began with prayer led by Master Deon. Master Sam David welcomed the gathering.
Rev Fr Maxim Dais, in his message, asked the students to become go...

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July 02, 2022

Leadership Training Programme for the members of the Student Council

St Joseph’s Indian High School, Bengaluru, organised a Leadership
Training Programme for the members of the Student Council on 2 nd July
2022,at St Joseph&#39;s College, Auditorium Loyola Hall, from 8.45 AM to
2.30 PM.
Rev Fr Arun D&#39;souza SJ, Finance officer of St Joseph’s College,
Bengaluru. Rev Fr Maxim Dais SJ, State Advisor of AICUF, Karnataka,
Sch. Reuell Paul, Resource Person of the Programme, Rev Fr Cyril
Menezes SJ, Principal of SJIHS, were present on the dais. The
Programme began with prayer led by Master Deon. Master Sam David
welcomed the gathering.
Rev Fr Maxim Dais, in his ...

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June 21, 2022

International yoga day

ANO Anil Fernandes and Jai Jagadish of St.Josephs Indian High School organized and observed international yoga day on 21st June -2022 in the school Auditorium One hundred and one (101) NCC cadets of Naval wing and few cadets of Air wing participated in the activity. It was inaugurated by the school Principal Rev.Fr Cyril Menezes Cadet Tushar Vaishnav invoked Gods blessing and welcomed the gathering Principal Highlighted the importance of yoga in one's life and how beneficial it is to the student community The programme began by 9 am and concluded by 10.15 am with Savasana. School PT master Mr.Jai Jagadish carried out the yogic activities, Asanas and Pranayama with the help s...

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June 18, 2022

Investiture Ceremony-2022-23

Investiture ceremony was held on June 18, 2022 and the newly elected members were successfully inducted into the students’ council. It was
indeed a momentous occasion to celebrate the silver jubilee of Mrs.
Janet J Fernandes, the faculty in English and Social Science. The
Ceremony began with a prayer service and lighting the lamp with
utmost faith and divinity.
Mr Srinivas warmly welcomed the gathering and Master Sam David
introduced the silver jubilarian. The Principal along with the staff and
students honoured Mrs. Janet on her successful completion of 25 years
of fruitful service in the institution.
The grand ...

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June 11, 2022

Student council election -2022-23

The election for the student council was held on 11 th June, 2022.
The committee, under the guidance of the principal Rev. Fr. Cyril
Menezes as the chief election commissioner, had taken all measures for
the smooth conduct of the entire election process.
The classrooms were converted into voting booths which were well
equipped with the materials required for systematic voting. It was well
organized by the committee and the respective class teachers.
The efforts of the committee and the staff members in promoting
students’ democratic and social skills were very much appreciative.
After the completion of voting, ...

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June 07, 2022

A Report On Eco Club Inauguration

Eco Club of St Joseph's Indian High School was inaugurated on 7th June 2022 at 11:00am in the auditorium.
An eventful and memorable proceedings were carried out by well-organized MC's - Master Chethan & Master Uday trained by Mrs. Sagaya.
This propitious occasion was honoured by the gracious presence of Mr.Achim Burkart (Consulate General of the Federal Republic of German) - the Chief Guest and Mr. Harsh Vardhan Umre (Additional Commissioner IRS Revenue Department).
The program began with lighting of the lamp by the dignitaries, followed by a meaningful invocation video prepared by Mr.Amruthraj, which was then followed by a welcome spee...

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May 18, 2022

Staff Orientation Program 2022

St Joseph's Indian High School, Bengaluru in collaboration with SAMAGRA - St Joseph's Holistic Development and Wellness Center, organized one day staff orientation programme in SAMGRA, BJES Campus on 18th May 2022.
The Programme commenced with a Prayer service led by Dr Rekha asking for special blessings for all the teachers for the new academic year. In the prayer room "Sanidhya" all the teachers were invited to light a candle as symbol of their light to shine and spread the brightness in the lives of students.
After the prayer service the teachers moved to the Programme venue at Loyola Hall for the inaugural session. Mrs Nola D'Lima, compered the inaugural program...

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